Whew..what a Full Moon! Scorpio reigns over politics, scandals, security forces, sex and, of course much, much more..But, it is usual for some significant scandal to erupt when Moon is in this Sign. And, when She-the Moon-is very Full..well..!
In Canada, we had a Senator resign yesterday but as usual the hyper-state of the U.S. trumped all.
It is incredibly sad, reads like a Greek/Roman Myth of Gods/ Goddesses behaving badly, and should have all scared that a leader of the most militarized country in the world, behaves in such a contemptuous, arrogant and authoritarian manner.
Mercury(mind) in the U.S. Chart is @25 degrees in Cancer. Uranus(anxiety, shock, liberation) is making a difficult connection to this Mercury. If you or I had this, we would be experiencing psychological shocks, dramatic shifts in perception, increased mental anxiety and more..This will continue all of this year..so there will be more shock and awe..
There is much more but lots of Astrologers are waiting and watching for transiting Saturn's conjunct to D.T.'s Natal Moon and opposition to his Sun this summer. Add to this, Eclipses in August, with the first one challenging the 'Right to Reign' pattern in his Chart. Translation? information will come to light that will mark the beginning of the end to this madness. This is a pattern, where he hits a wall.
In Canada, we had a Senator resign yesterday but as usual the hyper-state of the U.S. trumped all.
It is incredibly sad, reads like a Greek/Roman Myth of Gods/ Goddesses behaving badly, and should have all scared that a leader of the most militarized country in the world, behaves in such a contemptuous, arrogant and authoritarian manner.
Mercury(mind) in the U.S. Chart is @25 degrees in Cancer. Uranus(anxiety, shock, liberation) is making a difficult connection to this Mercury. If you or I had this, we would be experiencing psychological shocks, dramatic shifts in perception, increased mental anxiety and more..This will continue all of this year..so there will be more shock and awe..
There is much more but lots of Astrologers are waiting and watching for transiting Saturn's conjunct to D.T.'s Natal Moon and opposition to his Sun this summer. Add to this, Eclipses in August, with the first one challenging the 'Right to Reign' pattern in his Chart. Translation? information will come to light that will mark the beginning of the end to this madness. This is a pattern, where he hits a wall.