Our ancestors trembled and feared the worst. Ancient skies grew dark. The Sun, the giver of life, vanished. The apocalypse was near.
They stirred the ashes, scanned the skies, shifted through animal entrails, looking for clues as to what calamities would befall their families and communities. Myths and legends were created to explain the phenomena of Eclipses.
This darkly fated view stopped me from deeply exploring the Astrological impact of Eclipses for a long time. Over time, it was clear that they had an undeniable impact and I began my study. I have a deep, respectful awe for Eclipses and am humbled by some of the wisdom of our ancestors. It is also humbling to realize that 96% of the Universe remains beyond our five senses. Our most sophisticated scientific instruments can only measure 4%. Eclipses are key to our understanding of the mysteries of our vast space. This Eclipse has the potential to align linear and non-linear; to connect Heaven and Earth.
Each Eclipse has its own unique theme but they are also related to other Eclipses. They run in nineteen year cycles. For example, the Eclipse on March 8, 2016 is connected to the Eclipse that occurred on March 8, 1997. What was happening in your life then? What needs to change now?
This is the first of four Eclipses this year and it happens when the Moon is Perigee (the closest approach in its monthly orbit around the Earth). Its’ snazzy name is “Supermoon” and we will have three in a row. This will amplify its effect on the Earth’s tectonic plates, tides and the human psyche. Earthquakes, flooding and drought will make headlines. The path of an Eclipse is significant in terms of its influence.
All Solar Eclipses occur when the Sun and Moon are in the same Sign and align with the Earth. The flow of solar radiation is blocked, the electromagnetic fields of the Earth and its people are reconfigured. Although this Eclipse is only visible in Indonesia and the western Pacific, its influence is global.
In total, there will be five Planets, two major Asteroids and the South Node in the Sign of Pisces. Jupiter and the North Node, in the Sign of Virgo will oppose all these Piscean energies. As some of you know, there are two very different sides to the Piscean legend. On one side, the Heavens are closer, the Angels speak clearly and our imagination, intuition is limitless. Miracles occur and our compassionate heart does not hesitate to heal. Healing is a major story on this side of Pisces. The other side is fraught with swampy fears, victim thinking and hopelessness. Fear is a show-stopper, shrinking our confidence and obstructing our view of the possible. Fear stops the writer, the singer and the scientist. This Eclipse will highlight the clear contrast between these two.
The Planet Jupiter is usually greeted by Astrologers with enthusiasm, parades and glittery celebrations. But this Santa Claus of Planets can go to extremes. The Chart for this Eclipse shows Jupiter in direct opposition to Pisces but it conjuncts North Node (a point of destiny). In English, this is both ‘good’ and ‘bad.’ On one hand it will show us how to bring visions to earth. And, on the other hand, we can be dazzled by over the top, exaggerated caricatures of leadership. This pattern speaks to arrogance born out of massive insecurities and fear. The Planet Jupiter expands any Planet or pattern which it contacts and in this configuration, it will amplify all of those swampy fears.
All Solar Eclipses mark times of major endings and beginnings. They hit major evolutionary reset buttons. This Eclipse occurs at 18 degrees Pisces. Any Planet, Asteroid or House degree in Pisces will be marked by this Eclipse. If you know your Chart and can see the Virgo/Pisces axis, then you will see what areas of life are affected by this Eclipse.
What do you need to surrender? What do you need to release? What area(s) of life requires healing? How can you be a braver, more compassionate being? This Eclipse offers a rare opening in the Heavens. We own the choice. Faith, healing and a compassionate heart. Or, fear and all its associated hungry ghosts.
Pisces Solar Eclipse occurs on March 8 at 9.54pm in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Please check your local times and zones.
Cheers and Blessings,