Saturn is a Planet that shows us where our Karmic lessons and debts are and how they will play out. This doesn’t happen in silence, we attract situations and people who will bring those lessons and debts to our attention. Saturn also reveals our deepest insecurities and fears. In the Sign it is in, it is fear of the ‘other.’
Saturn is currently in the Sign of Sagittarius and will remain in this Sign until December 2017. No matter what lessons Saturn is teaching you personally, globally it has a message. This message is clearly and painfully obvious. For this Sign teaches us about bigotry, intolerance and the unimaginable pain these demons usher in. Principles are at the forefront of this Saturn cycle. Each of us have some hard questions to ask ourselves. For example, will you allow the continued rape and degradation of our earth to save a bit of money? Saturn is about the past and will show us what we have not learned.
All of us are bearing witness to a growing trend of racism and sexism. The world feels colder, meaner and a looming dystopian world seems a little closer.
A few years ago, when visiting Hamburg, Germany I became obsessed with the bronze plaques that are embedded in the sidewalks. These plaques commemorate lives lost to racism. Of course, most are for Jewish victims. People who lived and died in terror. Some as young as three years old. In some areas there are clusters of twenty or more. Mostly, they sit silently outside where they lived but there are many around the University. Some of the houses they lived in are no longer there. They are chic coffee shops or office buildings or apartment buildings. These plaques represent one of history’s terrible horror stories. I have always maintained that this can happen anywhere. Understand, the German people were a cultured and educated people, who, at the time of these atrocities felt put down, diminished. They were ripe for a ‘Savior-Hero’ and they got one. This one promised to fix everything. He insulted the media and blamed others for all the country’s woes. He promised to usher in a bright and untroubled future, to return Germany to its glory days.
One afternoon, while in Hamburg, I had tea with an older woman who was the mother of a friend of ours. Her husband was a Captain of a U-boat in WW11. Without asking, she offered softly but firmly how protected she felt when Hitler was in power. On some level I understood. However, she did not offer how she processed the nightmare of what her Savior-Hero had done.
Alt-right. Muslim registry. Name another. All are ugly and all come from fear, ignorance and small, dark hearts. There is no justification for any action that limits, restricts or denies rights for anyone. Anywhere.
Saturn is about responsibility and in the Sign of Sagittarius all of us are spiritually obligated to speak louder and bolder. It is a clarion call to be alert to all forms of racism and sexism. What happens during a Saturn cycle can impact for twenty-nine years. Please understand your voice, your very being matters. Begin in your community. Begin somewhere.
Each time I knelt to take a picture of these plaques, I felt like weeping. I would read the few lines and imagine their life. I would imagine their precious hearts. My partner would stand near, protecting me from being walked on. But, people walking by gave me respectful space. They knew. Let’s not forget. Let’s be intolerant of intolerance.
Saturn is currently in the Sign of Sagittarius and will remain in this Sign until December 2017. No matter what lessons Saturn is teaching you personally, globally it has a message. This message is clearly and painfully obvious. For this Sign teaches us about bigotry, intolerance and the unimaginable pain these demons usher in. Principles are at the forefront of this Saturn cycle. Each of us have some hard questions to ask ourselves. For example, will you allow the continued rape and degradation of our earth to save a bit of money? Saturn is about the past and will show us what we have not learned.
All of us are bearing witness to a growing trend of racism and sexism. The world feels colder, meaner and a looming dystopian world seems a little closer.
A few years ago, when visiting Hamburg, Germany I became obsessed with the bronze plaques that are embedded in the sidewalks. These plaques commemorate lives lost to racism. Of course, most are for Jewish victims. People who lived and died in terror. Some as young as three years old. In some areas there are clusters of twenty or more. Mostly, they sit silently outside where they lived but there are many around the University. Some of the houses they lived in are no longer there. They are chic coffee shops or office buildings or apartment buildings. These plaques represent one of history’s terrible horror stories. I have always maintained that this can happen anywhere. Understand, the German people were a cultured and educated people, who, at the time of these atrocities felt put down, diminished. They were ripe for a ‘Savior-Hero’ and they got one. This one promised to fix everything. He insulted the media and blamed others for all the country’s woes. He promised to usher in a bright and untroubled future, to return Germany to its glory days.
One afternoon, while in Hamburg, I had tea with an older woman who was the mother of a friend of ours. Her husband was a Captain of a U-boat in WW11. Without asking, she offered softly but firmly how protected she felt when Hitler was in power. On some level I understood. However, she did not offer how she processed the nightmare of what her Savior-Hero had done.
Alt-right. Muslim registry. Name another. All are ugly and all come from fear, ignorance and small, dark hearts. There is no justification for any action that limits, restricts or denies rights for anyone. Anywhere.
Saturn is about responsibility and in the Sign of Sagittarius all of us are spiritually obligated to speak louder and bolder. It is a clarion call to be alert to all forms of racism and sexism. What happens during a Saturn cycle can impact for twenty-nine years. Please understand your voice, your very being matters. Begin in your community. Begin somewhere.
Each time I knelt to take a picture of these plaques, I felt like weeping. I would read the few lines and imagine their life. I would imagine their precious hearts. My partner would stand near, protecting me from being walked on. But, people walking by gave me respectful space. They knew. Let’s not forget. Let’s be intolerant of intolerance.