Whenever I am in a situation where the conversation moves in the direction of, “so what do you do for a living?”, people will usually react in one of two ways; either their eyes will narrow, or they will widen.
I am not a ‘body expert’, but when their eyes narrow, the response is usually of the idea that Astrology as a serious career is outrageous. When the person's eyes widen, they move in a little closer. They are intrigued and eager to know more. In both scenarios, they want a story. “How or why did you ever become an Astrologer?”, they ask. I always wish I had a clever, compelling tale to tell, some sparkly story with mythic drama that leaves them charmed and inspired, or simply curious to explore my sacred vocation.
Discovering your life’s purpose is a process. It may feel like an awakening, but when a purpose is revealed, you have no doubt that you have been traveling down a winding path towards that purpose for a while. Purpose bides its time, waiting to be discovered. It was, and is no different for me. Like the planets that were called 'Wanderers' by the ancients, I too have been a Wanderer. I know that from traveling through the world and walking down this or that path, you are often lead to places that you were meant to go to all along. The path that led me to be an Astrologer was indeed a twisty one.
For me, becoming an Astrologer seemed choice-less. Not that I had no other skills to offer the world, but after years of studying this ancient tradition and recognizing the power it held to help others, I accepted my role. This may sound lofty but this 'knowing' came from a place beyond the mind. I cannot speak for all Astrologers, but I suspect that we have the following characteristics and beliefs in common.
Each person has a unique purpose and meaning that is outlined in the codes and symbols in their Birth Chart. Our outer world is reflected in our inner world. Exploring the Birth Chart reveals our Spiritual intent. As a group, we are curious beings who love to explore. As a result, we are always studying and learning. We are passionate about our path, and we feel Astrology offers one, if not the best tools for awareness. The more aware we are of what we are working with, the less bumpy our path. After all these years, I am still in awe of what can be revealed in a person's Chart.
I am a Karmic Astrologer, who believes we have lived before and are therefore given a few assignments. Classical Astrology, Mundane Astrology, Predictive Astrology, and Psychological Astrology are all areas that hold my passion. Myths, archetypes and symbolism provide context to our present life story. Along the way, I have become versed in Numerology, Runes, Auras and Tarot. At my core, I am an Astrologer and see these other tools as wonderful, wise additions.
Each of us is born with an inner compass. This inner compass is our psychic or intuitive sense. From the time I was a child, I knew these so-called mysterious energies to be a natural part of us. They are normal and practical. Connecting to people's deeper levels has naturally and organically heightened my own psychic, intuitive abilities. And yes, seeing, feeling, smelling or sensing Spirits is also under my 'normal'!
Like most people, I had the same misconceptions about Hypnosis until a friend convinced me to take some training. Now I see it as an invaluable tool to guide people to their Spiritual history, to lose weight, to quit smoking or to release a fear or phobia.
I am humbled and honored to be entrusted with guiding so many loving people throughout the years. My approach to my work lies in the fact that there is nothing wrong with you. Each of us has habitual patterns to be understood and released, and this takes awareness that Astrology offers. This awareness liberates us from pain to purpose.
I am not a ‘body expert’, but when their eyes narrow, the response is usually of the idea that Astrology as a serious career is outrageous. When the person's eyes widen, they move in a little closer. They are intrigued and eager to know more. In both scenarios, they want a story. “How or why did you ever become an Astrologer?”, they ask. I always wish I had a clever, compelling tale to tell, some sparkly story with mythic drama that leaves them charmed and inspired, or simply curious to explore my sacred vocation.
Discovering your life’s purpose is a process. It may feel like an awakening, but when a purpose is revealed, you have no doubt that you have been traveling down a winding path towards that purpose for a while. Purpose bides its time, waiting to be discovered. It was, and is no different for me. Like the planets that were called 'Wanderers' by the ancients, I too have been a Wanderer. I know that from traveling through the world and walking down this or that path, you are often lead to places that you were meant to go to all along. The path that led me to be an Astrologer was indeed a twisty one.
For me, becoming an Astrologer seemed choice-less. Not that I had no other skills to offer the world, but after years of studying this ancient tradition and recognizing the power it held to help others, I accepted my role. This may sound lofty but this 'knowing' came from a place beyond the mind. I cannot speak for all Astrologers, but I suspect that we have the following characteristics and beliefs in common.
Each person has a unique purpose and meaning that is outlined in the codes and symbols in their Birth Chart. Our outer world is reflected in our inner world. Exploring the Birth Chart reveals our Spiritual intent. As a group, we are curious beings who love to explore. As a result, we are always studying and learning. We are passionate about our path, and we feel Astrology offers one, if not the best tools for awareness. The more aware we are of what we are working with, the less bumpy our path. After all these years, I am still in awe of what can be revealed in a person's Chart.
I am a Karmic Astrologer, who believes we have lived before and are therefore given a few assignments. Classical Astrology, Mundane Astrology, Predictive Astrology, and Psychological Astrology are all areas that hold my passion. Myths, archetypes and symbolism provide context to our present life story. Along the way, I have become versed in Numerology, Runes, Auras and Tarot. At my core, I am an Astrologer and see these other tools as wonderful, wise additions.
Each of us is born with an inner compass. This inner compass is our psychic or intuitive sense. From the time I was a child, I knew these so-called mysterious energies to be a natural part of us. They are normal and practical. Connecting to people's deeper levels has naturally and organically heightened my own psychic, intuitive abilities. And yes, seeing, feeling, smelling or sensing Spirits is also under my 'normal'!
Like most people, I had the same misconceptions about Hypnosis until a friend convinced me to take some training. Now I see it as an invaluable tool to guide people to their Spiritual history, to lose weight, to quit smoking or to release a fear or phobia.
I am humbled and honored to be entrusted with guiding so many loving people throughout the years. My approach to my work lies in the fact that there is nothing wrong with you. Each of us has habitual patterns to be understood and released, and this takes awareness that Astrology offers. This awareness liberates us from pain to purpose.