There is something deliciously mysterious and atmospheric about the balsamic phase of the veiled Moon; the time of her cycle, where she journeys through our ancient skies to slip into darkness. In this unseen phase she retreats from view to prepare for her re-birth. She emerges from the darkness and is re-birthed as the New Moon, with new wisdom stories to share. Mystics, through the ages have made the same journey. Withdraw and re-emerge.
Our Balsamic Moon is watery, emotional Cancer until July23@5:33am. In this Sign and Phase, she is the ultimate memory-keeper, calling us back to childhood memories. Emotions and psychic sensitivities are elevated, and the desire to retreat is strong and natural.
She-the Moon- encounters heavenly Neptune during the night, taking us deeper into dreams that illuminate a deeper level of our psyche.
Early morning Moon is taken hostage by Pluto, where raw, unresolved emotional wounds are exposed. Take care and be gentle with self.
Later the Moon will meet with Shamanic healer, Chiron, where we are able to alchemize our wounds to healing blessings.
Sun Leo/New Moon post later!
Our Balsamic Moon is watery, emotional Cancer until July23@5:33am. In this Sign and Phase, she is the ultimate memory-keeper, calling us back to childhood memories. Emotions and psychic sensitivities are elevated, and the desire to retreat is strong and natural.
She-the Moon- encounters heavenly Neptune during the night, taking us deeper into dreams that illuminate a deeper level of our psyche.
Early morning Moon is taken hostage by Pluto, where raw, unresolved emotional wounds are exposed. Take care and be gentle with self.
Later the Moon will meet with Shamanic healer, Chiron, where we are able to alchemize our wounds to healing blessings.
Sun Leo/New Moon post later!