The Archer's Moon has some big, splashy plans when she moves into vast, fiery Sagittarius today@4:47pm( Aug31@5:18am) but will run into practical Virgo, who is also a well-known efficiency expert. This Waxing Quarter Moon will trigger shadow Virgo and shadow Sagittarius.
Under the increasing light of this Moon we seek higher truths, vaster visions but we run into a crisis of faith. The Virgo Sun whispers doubt and perhaps criticisms, unknowingly deflating the dream The wisdom?
Keep the big, splashy plans and heaven-high hopes, this is simply a time to fine-tune and to find smarter ways of connecting inspired dreams to earth.
Since this is the Waxing Quarter Moon, we can expect more Global crisis. Travel may be disrupted.
Under the increasing light of this Moon we seek higher truths, vaster visions but we run into a crisis of faith. The Virgo Sun whispers doubt and perhaps criticisms, unknowingly deflating the dream The wisdom?
Keep the big, splashy plans and heaven-high hopes, this is simply a time to fine-tune and to find smarter ways of connecting inspired dreams to earth.
Since this is the Waxing Quarter Moon, we can expect more Global crisis. Travel may be disrupted.