Our Winger Messenger flew into his 'home' Sign of Gemini last evenings and will be sparking new ideas, more social interactions, more chat, more gossip....!
Each Planet can manifest in either a neurotic or enlightened way. Mercury in Gemini can inspire our holy curiosity or sink into 'nasty noisy.' Endless chatter or exciting exchange of shiny new ideas.
Mercury in Gemini signals us to explore, read and write. This is the writer's Mercury and much progress can be made, as long as the endless lure of distractions do not sidetrack.
This Mercury further excites our monkey-brain, so it may be a challenge to stay grounded.
Enjoy the flow of fresh ideas and stimulating conversations..but do try to avoid the gossipy bits of this Mercury!
Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra and Aquarius folks esp. benefit!
Each Planet can manifest in either a neurotic or enlightened way. Mercury in Gemini can inspire our holy curiosity or sink into 'nasty noisy.' Endless chatter or exciting exchange of shiny new ideas.
Mercury in Gemini signals us to explore, read and write. This is the writer's Mercury and much progress can be made, as long as the endless lure of distractions do not sidetrack.
This Mercury further excites our monkey-brain, so it may be a challenge to stay grounded.
Enjoy the flow of fresh ideas and stimulating conversations..but do try to avoid the gossipy bits of this Mercury!
Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra and Aquarius folks esp. benefit!