The big Spiritual ask from the recent Solar Eclipse is to live and lead with Heart. The past few days, where we have seen such overwhelming suffering in Bangladesh, Niger, Nepal and Texas challenges us to hold sadness for others while maintaining heart.
Moon continues her travels through Sagittarius, and will stop by today for a visit with, both Saturn and Jupiter. Think of your most confident, gregarious friend (Jupiter) and your most serious, somber conservative pal(Saturn) and you will glean a glimpse of the energy. Ideally, this pattern offers cautious optimism, sensible enthusiasm and a way forward.
Our Winged Messenger, Mercury will fly back into Leo tomorrow and will remain in this proud and loud fire Sign until Sept.9th. Any details, or tidying of details is best done today! When Mercury(mind) moves back to Leo, minds will move to grand plans.
Mars(action, anger, passion, sex) is forming a tense connection to Chiron ( abiding wound/healer/teacher)over the next few days. Wounded sexual/body image themes will come up to the surface. Our passions may feel thwarted and that any move forward may feel futile. Hold heart! This pattern, although painful is shining a light on hidden wounds. We cannot heal what we hide!
Moon continues her travels through Sagittarius, and will stop by today for a visit with, both Saturn and Jupiter. Think of your most confident, gregarious friend (Jupiter) and your most serious, somber conservative pal(Saturn) and you will glean a glimpse of the energy. Ideally, this pattern offers cautious optimism, sensible enthusiasm and a way forward.
Our Winged Messenger, Mercury will fly back into Leo tomorrow and will remain in this proud and loud fire Sign until Sept.9th. Any details, or tidying of details is best done today! When Mercury(mind) moves back to Leo, minds will move to grand plans.
Mars(action, anger, passion, sex) is forming a tense connection to Chiron ( abiding wound/healer/teacher)over the next few days. Wounded sexual/body image themes will come up to the surface. Our passions may feel thwarted and that any move forward may feel futile. Hold heart! This pattern, although painful is shining a light on hidden wounds. We cannot heal what we hide!