Natal Chart for England |
London, Manchester, Yemen, Syria, Berlin, the list is endlessly sad. Innocents killed and terrorized due to mad-power politics or distorted ideology. To me, they are all the same.
Below is the Natal Chart for England with the Planets that were transiting at the time of this vile attack. This will be of interest to students of Astrology. Note that transiting Pluto will oppose England's Moon for the next few years. This is as dramatically pivotal as the U.S. Chart. The 'trigger' Planet was Mars(violence) in a 'fate' degree; a time of accumulated energy in the Sign of Gemini(rules cars) square Chiron-governs bridges.
England has endured the Blitz and 3 decades of the I.R.A bombings. If any crazy thinks they will crush the spirit of England, they are mistaken.
This heartless attack, like all attacks brings out the heroes/heroines. Let's read and remember their soul-directed acts of courage.They are Earth Angels.
This attack also brings out the bigots and politicians who seek gain and spread fear. Let's ignore them but remember how they use this heart-wrenching crisis to their advantage.They are the worst scavengers.
Our Global-Spiritual purpose is to rise up with Love, acceptance and fearless faith in our shared humanity!
Prayers for the victims and their loved ones.
Below is the Natal Chart for England with the Planets that were transiting at the time of this vile attack. This will be of interest to students of Astrology. Note that transiting Pluto will oppose England's Moon for the next few years. This is as dramatically pivotal as the U.S. Chart. The 'trigger' Planet was Mars(violence) in a 'fate' degree; a time of accumulated energy in the Sign of Gemini(rules cars) square Chiron-governs bridges.
England has endured the Blitz and 3 decades of the I.R.A bombings. If any crazy thinks they will crush the spirit of England, they are mistaken.
This heartless attack, like all attacks brings out the heroes/heroines. Let's read and remember their soul-directed acts of courage.They are Earth Angels.
This attack also brings out the bigots and politicians who seek gain and spread fear. Let's ignore them but remember how they use this heart-wrenching crisis to their advantage.They are the worst scavengers.
Our Global-Spiritual purpose is to rise up with Love, acceptance and fearless faith in our shared humanity!
Prayers for the victims and their loved ones.